Nodejs vs Golang: Which is better for a Web Development Project?

Lena Charles
8 min readOct 20, 2022


These days, there are many languages to choose from when it comes to web development projects. While there has always been some discussion regarding the pros and cons of each language, most people agree that JavaScript (Nodejs) and Golang are two of the best options. Which language should you use for your web development project?

If you’re confused about this, don’t worry — most developers are! JavaScript (Nodejs and Golang) are both excellent choices, but they have key differences that may affect your decision to use one over the other. In this article, we break down the pros and cons of both Nodejs and Golang to help you figure out which one is best for you!

What is Nodejs?

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that executes outside of a browser and can be used to build powerful, high-performing server-side applications. Node is not a programming language; it’s only an engine that executes JavaScript code.

Node is based on Google’s V8 JavaScript engine and it allows developers to write both the front-end and back-end in one language (JavaScript). Node.js has been gaining popularity because it enables rapid application development while keeping performance high.

With Node, you can’t use multi-threading or other parallel processing techniques due to the single threaded event loop handling everything in order, but as long as you don’t need these features, then you’re good to go with nodejs! If you want to develop your own app using Node.js, you should go with a good Node.JS development company in India.

What is Golang?

Golang is a statically-typed programming language that compiles to native machine code. It has its roots in C but simplifies many of C’s more complex features, such as pointer arithmetic and manual memory management.

Golang was first developed at Google. The language is open source and known for being fast and concise. Go has been gaining popularity recently because it helps developers write large applications quickly without sacrificing performance. Developers can also make use of Golang’s concurrency primitives, which are very useful when building server applications or systems with multiple cores.

In addition, Go includes built-in support for internationalization, which means you can work with languages other than English right out of the box. Unlike other languages where developers need to include external libraries, Go provides the tools needed right off the bat, so programmers don’t have to worry about writing their own parser or complicated logic. As a result, Go programs tend to be shorter and easier to maintain over time because they’re easier to read and understand! You should go with NodeJS development services if you want to have feature-packed NodeJS software.

What are the pros of using Nodejs?

  • Nodejs uses JavaScript which is a good language for backend development.
  • Nodejs has a lot of libraries that are free and open-source.
  • Nodejs can be installed on any operating system, which means that developers don’t have to worry about compatibility.
  • Nodejs can be used with Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.
  • Nodejs has great support for small websites and large apps alike.
  • It provides fast performance in modern browsers and servers.
  • Nodejs offers high scalability and flexible deployment, making it perfect for both startups and enterprise systems.
  • Nodejs is one of the best options available today when it comes to backend development because it has so many benefits including being highly scalable, fast and easy to learn among other things.

With these benefits in mind, it’s hard not to choose NodeJS as your preferred choice for backend development!

What are the cons of using NodeJS?

  • Nodejs has a steep learning curve which makes it difficult to use.
  • Nodejs can’t handle more than 100,000 concurrent connections.
  • Nodejs lacks standardization and consistency of libraries that make it difficult to develop applications with several teams working on them at once
  • Nodejs lacks an enterprise-grade technology stack
  • Node Js asynchronous programming model makes debugging applications a nightmare Node Js single threaded event loop can block other processes from executing
  • NodeJS has limited database support

What are the Pros of using Golang?

  • Golang’s simplicity and efficiency make it a natural choice of language for those who are trying to create applications that have tight memory constraints.
  • Golang is also very fast, which makes it an excellent choice if you are looking to make your application scalable.
  • It has a robust package management system that makes it easy to share code with other developers.
  • Golang offers a clean, readable syntax which eliminates many of the common issues programmers encounter when using C/C++ or Java. This can save you time and energy, making Golang an excellent choice for all types of programming projects.
  • Golang also provides several benefits related to security, including automatic buffer overflow detection and prevention.
  • When combined with Go’s native support for HTTP authentication, this can provide an additional layer of security for data stored in RESTful APIs. These features offer developers a great deal of flexibility in terms of coding style, as well as functionality.
  • As Golang compiles into native code (and not bytecode) there is no need to pay licensing fees to use the software on servers and computers running Linux-based operating systems.
  • It’s also designed specifically to work seamlessly within cloud-based platforms like Google Cloud Platform, so you won’t need any special training in order to use it effectively.

What are the cons of using Golang?

  • Golang requires more lines of code than Node.js to do the same task.
  • Golang does not have an extensive library of modules that are easily accessible and usable in your project.
  • Golang does not have the same level of support for third-party libraries that Node.js has, which means that developers must spend extra time writing their own libraries from scratch or using lower quality ones from outside sources.
  • It also lacks built-in features like socket programming, data encoding/decoding utilities, and graphical user interface layout.
  • When it comes to scalability, Golang cannot provide concurrency through message passing as Node can with callbacks.
  • Golang also doesn’t perform well on CPU intensive tasks like cryptography because it doesn’t utilize multiple threads well.

Nodejs vs Golang: Comparison on Different Parameters

Which is more secure?

Ease of use and speed are two of the most common reasons people choose NodeJS. It has a wide community, making it easy to find tutorials and other resources. NodeJS can also be used as a backend server, meaning you can build a full-stack app with only one programming language. However, many feel that Golang is more secure because it was designed to have fewer security vulnerabilities than Java or C++. There is a much smaller learning curve with Golang, so it’s easier for new programmers to get up to speed.

Which is more scalable?

Node.js and Golang have a lot in common when it comes to scalability. Node.js is built on Google’s V8 engine, which allows it to handle a lot of concurrency with ease. It also has its own event loop, making node more lightweight than other languages like Ruby or Python.

On the other hand, Golang can also scale well because of its light-weight virtual machine that serves as an interpreter without loading any parts of the program into memory until they are needed.

This makes it slower than Node when it comes to CPU intensive tasks like image processing, but faster with less RAM usage during I/O tasks such as writing data to disk or reading files from disk into memory.

Which is the best performing?

Golang is a newer programming language, which makes it more modern. NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime environment, which means that it can’t be considered an entirely new programming language. It is important to know that NodeJS is written in C++ and JavaScript, while Golang is written in Go.

For now, Golang is high-performing and has been used by Google since 2009. NodeJS was also created in 2009, but was released as an open source project in 2010. NodeJS has become one of the most popular languages for server-side applications such as HTTP servers and many others.

The point of contention between these two languages is not their release date, but rather their performance abilities. Golang currently outperforms NodeJS in terms of speed.

Which Is Cost Effective?

Both Nodejs and Golang are cost-effective, but Node is likely to be a more popular choice. This is because it is an open-source platform that can be used on many operating systems, which makes it easy for developers to code on. Plus, there’s a huge community of NodeJS developers who can help out with any problems that come up.

Maintenance and Deployment

Golang has a lot of excellent features that can make it an attractive choice. The first one is that it compiles to a single binary, which makes deployment and maintenance much simpler. There are no dependencies other than running on Linux, which makes installing and starting up a server easier than with Nodejs because you don’t have to worry about dependency conflicts. The second thing that makes Golang attractive as a programming language is that it has built-in concurrency capabilities.

Popularity and Future Scope

Node.js has been around since 2009 and has a lot of community support and an active open-source developer community. Node.js also has the backing of popular companies like Microsoft, IBM, and Google. With this backing, it’s no surprise that Node.js is often used in a variety of enterprises, including Walmart, Uber, Netflix, Intel, and others.


Both Nodejs and Golang are good options for server-side development. Nodejs is a server-side Javascript interpreter, while Golang is a statically typed, compiled language that aims to be lightweight and versatile. Node.js works with all major browsers and can be used via command line or server, making it highly accessible. On the other hand, Golang uses its own custom IDE and offers robust performance.

If you’re looking to hire web app developers in India, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons of both Node.js and Golang. Node.js is widely popular and has a large community support, making it easier to find developers proficient in it. Golang, though slightly more challenging to learn due to its complex syntax, offers great performance and scalability.



Lena Charles

Every once in a while, a new technology, an old problem, and a big idea turn into an innovation.